Creating a MOTO payment
The following process describes the creation:
- of immediate payments
- of deferred payments
- of installment payments (with fixed amounts and payment dates)
To create a payment:
- Click MOTO payment.The shop list appears if you have several shops.
- Select the desired shop.The MOTO payment page appears.
By default, the Express MOTO payment page is displayed. This payment page allows you to create transactions with the most commonly used payment methods.
- Activate the buyer’s payment method.Depending on the payment method, the CVV may be mandatory/optional and visible/invisible.
- Enter the transaction amount.
- Select the transaction currency.
- Enter the payment card number.
- Select the expiry date.
- If you wish, you can enter the CVV, but it is optional.
- Click the Create button to validate the transaction.An authorization request is sent to the buyer’s bank, the issuer, in addition to internal fraud verification on the payment gateway. If successful, the detail of the transaction is displayed.
The merchant can display the MOTO payment page creation wizard by clicking the Wizard button. This page presents all the card types accepted by the shop. It also allows you to register more details during the transaction.
- Select the buyer’s payment method from the drop-down list.
- For a payment by Token:
- Enter the first four digits of your token.
- If you forget, search for the digits of your token from the Management > Recurring payments menu.
- Select your token from the list.
- Enter the first four digits of your token.
- If the buyer’s card is valid or if it is a direct debit payment, the payment method data is filled in automatically.
- Enter the transaction amount.
- Select the transaction currency.
- You can enter the order reference and complementary order details, if you wish.
- Click the Next button.
- If the buyer pays by token, the card number is automatically recorded.
- Otherwise, enter the payment card number and the expiry date.
- Select the expiry date.
- If you wish, you can enter the CVV, but it is optional.
- Select the validation mode.By default, the transaction validation is performed in Automatic mode. If you select the Manual mode, you will have to validate the transaction before the requested capture date at the bank.
- Check the Installment payment box if you wish to debit the buyer’s card in installments.
- Then, enter the number of installments as well as the interval (in days) between each payment.
- If you wish, you can specify the amount of the first installment. Otherwise, all the installments will have the same amount.
- Click the Next button.
- When the summary page appears, you can fill in the buyer details.If you enter the buyer’s e-mail address, he or she will receive an e-mail with the transaction details.
- Click the Create button to validate the transaction.An authorization request is sent to the buyer’s bank, the issuer, in addition to internal fraud verification on the payment gateway. If successful, the detail of the transaction is displayed.
- Activate the buyer’s payment method.