Personalizing the form
In the Settings tab:

- Customize the Introduction.
- Change the font, if needed, by choosing another one from the list.
- Personalize the layout of the text, if you wish, using the icons (alignment, bold, italic, underline, bullet points, etc.)
- Click the Source code button to display the HTML code if you prefer to work in html tag mode.
- Enter the shop contact details (exact address, phone number, e-mail).
- Enter the URL for returning to the shop.You can test the web address by clicking the Eyeicon.This URL will be used on the payment pages for returning to the shop.
- Check the Visible in the directory box if you would like your website to remain visible in the "Data collection form" site directory.
- Check the Closed box if you would like to make your website inaccessible.This box defines whether the form is currently accessible online or not.
If closed, the website displays the following message:
This online payment service is temporarily unavailable as requested by the organization that you intend to pay.
- Enter the Date of availability of the form.While the website is closed, this date allows to program the date of reopening the website in advance.
- Click Save.The confirmation message Your changes were saved successfully appears.
- Click Open the form to view the result of the configuration.