vads_avs_result | a1 | Address verification system (AVS) | | x |
vads_cust_address | ans..255 | Postal address | x | x |
vads_cust_address_number | ans..64 | Street number | x | x |
vads_cust_address2 | ans..255 | Address line 2 | x | x |
vads_cust_cell_phone | an..32 | Cell phone number | x | x |
vads_cust_city | an..128 | City | x | x |
vads_cust_country | a2 | Country code in compliance with the ISO 3166 alpha-2 standard | x | x |
vads_cust_district | ans..127 | District | x | x |
vads_cust_email | ans..150 | Buyer’s e-mail address | x | x |
vads_cust_first_name | ans..63 | First name | x | x |
vads_cust_id | an..63 | Buyer reference on the merchant website | x | x |
vads_cust_last_name | ans..63 | Last name | x | x |
vads_cust_legal_name | ans..100 | Buyer’s legal name | x | |
vads_cust_name | an..127 | Use vads_cust_first_name and vads_cust_last_name. | x | x |
vads_cust_national_id | ans..255 | National identifier | x | x |
vads_cust_phone | an..32 | Phone number | x | x |
vads_cust_state | ans..127 | State / Region | x | x |
vads_cust_status | enum | Status | x | x |
vads_cust_title | an..63 | Buyer’s title | x | x |
vads_cust_zip | an..64 | Zip code | x | x |
vads_ext_info_bil_address_complement | ans..250 | Address line 2 specified for billing | x | |
vads_ext_info_bil_date_of_birth | Datetime | The buyer’s date of birth on the receipt | x | |
vads_ext_info_bil_gender | n1 | The buyer’s gender on the receipt | x | |
vads_ext_info_fingerprint_id | string | Unique session identifier | x | |
vads_pays_ip | a2 | Country code of the buyer's IP address code in the ISO 3166 alpha2 format. | | x |
vads_proof_of_id_number | an..13 | Field reserved to the entry of the buyer’s ID number on the payment page. | x | |
vads_proof_of_id_type | enum | This field corresponds to the type of ID selected by the buyer. | x | |
vads_user_info | ans..255 | Information about the user who made the payment. | | x |