Creating a payment request
- Use all the fields presented in the table below to create your payment form.
Field name Description Format Value vads_payment_cards Allows to force the card type to be used. ANCV recommends to provide a different payment button for each payment method on the merchant website.
It is recommended not to leave the field empty.enum CVCO to directly call the Chèque-Vacances Connect payment button. vads_order_id Order ID. Optional field.
Can contain uppercase or lowercase characters, numbers or hyphens ([A-Z] [a-z], 0-9, _, -).
ans..64 E.g.: CDE-fr-04_2020 vads_page_action Action to perform enum PAYMENT vads_amount Payment amount in the smallest currency unit (cents for euro) n..12 E.g.: 4525 for EUR 45.25 vads_ctx_mode Mode of interaction with the payment gateway enum TEST orPRODUCTION vads_currency Numeric currency code to be used for the payment, in compliance with the ISO 4217 standard (numeric code). n3 Possible values: - 978 (EUR)
vads_capture_delay Delay before capture in the bank. Any capture delay that exceeds 3 days will be ignored and reduced to 3 days.
n..3 E.g.: 0 vads_action_mode Acquisition mode for payment method data enum INTERACTIVE vads_payment_config Payment type enum SINGLE vads_site_id Shop ID n8 E.g.: 12345678 vads_trans_date Date and time of the payment form in UTC format n14 Respect the YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
E.g.: 20200101130025vads_trans_id Transaction number. Must be unique within the same day (from 00:00:00 UTC to 23:59:59 UTC).
Warning: this field is not case sensitive.
an6 E.g.: xrT15p vads_version Version of the exchange protocol with the payment gateway enum V2 - Add the optional fields described in the following chapters according to your requirements.
- Compute the value of the signature field using all the fields of your form that start with vads_ (see: Computing the signature available on our documentation site).