Creating a transaction (PCI)
If you are PCI-DSS certified, you have the right to collect sensitive information related to the payment method on your website. You can then create a new transaction using the Charge/CreatePayment Web Service by directly passing the information related to the payment method.
Preparing your environment
If you use PHP with our SDK, we recommend to store your keys in a configuration file.
Example with test keys:
Make sure you replace them with your personal keys.
For more information, see Server SDKs and Prerequisites.
Creating a new transaction
In order to create a new transaction using a new payment method, one must use the Charge/CreatePayment Web Service:
{ "amount": 990, "currency": "EUR", "paymentForms": [ { "paymentMethodType": "CARD", "pan": "4970100000000055", "expiryMonth": "11", "expiryYear": "21", "securityCode": "123" } ] } }
Two types of responses are possible (defined in answer._type ):
value | Description |
V4/Payment | No 3D Secure, the response contains the details of the newly created transaction. |
V4/Charge/RedirectRequest | Strong authentication (such as 3D Secure) is required. The Buyer must be redirected. |
For more information on processing of the V4/Charge/RedirectRequest response and strong authentication, such as 3D Secure, go to: Creating a transaction (PCI and 3D Secure).
Example of V4/Payment response:
{ "webService": "Charge/CreatePayment", "version": "V4", "applicationVersion": "4.1.2", "status": "SUCCESS", "answer": { "shopId": "73239078", "orderCycle": "CLOSED", "orderStatus": "PAID", "orderDetails": { "orderTotalAmount": 990, "orderCurrency": "EUR", "mode": "TEST", "orderId": "myOrderId-607382", "_type": "V4/OrderDetails" }, "customer": { "email": "", "reference": null, "billingDetails": { "address": null, "category": null, "cellPhoneNumber": null, "city": null, "country": null, "district": null, "firstName": null, "identityCode": null, "language": "FR", "lastName": null, "phoneNumber": null, "state": null, "streetNumber": null, "title": null, "zipCode": null, "_type": "V4/Customer/BillingDetails" }, "shippingDetails": { "address": null, "address2": null, "category": null, "city": null, "country": null, "deliveryCompanyName": null, "district": null, "firstName": null, "identityCode": null, "lastName": null, "legalName": null, "phoneNumber": null, "shippingMethod": null, "shippingSpeed": null, "state": null, "streetNumber": null, "zipCode": null, "_type": "V4/Customer/ShippingDetails" }, "extraDetails": { "browserAccept": null, "fingerPrintId": null, "ipAddress": "", "browserUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Safari/537.36", "_type": "V4/Customer/ExtraDetails" }, "shoppingCart": { "insuranceAmount": null, "shippingAmount": null, "taxAmount": null, "cartItemInfo": null, "_type": "V4/Customer/ShoppingCart" }, "_type": "V4/Customer/Customer" }, "transactions": [ { "shopId": "73239078", "uuid": "7af034f2883240c2876f6c61c7eab8ea", "amount": 990, "currency": "EUR", "paymentMethodType": "CARD", "paymentMethodToken": null, "status": "PAID", "detailedStatus": "AUTHORISED", "operationType": "DEBIT", "effectiveStrongAuthentication": "DISABLED", "creationDate": "2018-10-02T16:38:12+00:00", "errorCode": null, "errorMessage": null, "detailedErrorCode": null, "detailedErrorMessage": null, "metadata": null, "transactionDetails": { "liabilityShift": "NO", "effectiveAmount": 990, "effectiveCurrency": "EUR", "creationContext": "CHARGE", "cardDetails": { "paymentSource": "EC", "manualValidation": "NO", "expectedCaptureDate": "2018-10-02T16:38:12+00:00", "effectiveBrand": "CB", "pan": "497010XXXXXX0055", "expiryMonth": 11, "expiryYear": 2021, "country": "FR", "emisorCode": null, "effectiveProductCode": "F", "legacyTransId": "916940", "legacyTransDate": "2018-10-02T16:38:12+00:00", "paymentMethodSource": "NEW", "authorizationResponse": { "amount": 990, "currency": "EUR", "authorizationDate": "2018-10-02T16:38:12+00:00", "authorizationNumber": "3fcdf2", "authorizationResult": "0", "authorizationMode": "FULL", "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/Cards/CardAuthorizationResponse" }, "captureResponse": { "refundAmount": null, "captureDate": null, "captureFileNumber": null, "refundCurrency": null, "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/Cards/CardCaptureResponse" }, "threeDSResponse": { "authenticationResultData": { "transactionCondition": "COND_3D_ERROR", "enrolled": "UNKNOWN", "status": "UNKNOWN", "eci": null, "xid": null, "cavvAlgorithm": null, "cavv": null, "signValid": null, "brand": "VISA", "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/Cards/CardAuthenticationResponse" }, "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/Cards/ThreeDSResponse" }, "installmentNumber": null, "markAuthorizationResponse": { "amount": null, "currency": null, "authorizationDate": null, "authorizationNumber": null, "authorizationResult": null, "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/Cards/MarkAuthorizationResponse" }, "_type": "V4/PaymentMethod/Details/CardDetails" }, "parentTransactionUuid": null, "mid": "6969696", "sequenceNumber": 1, "_type": "V4/TransactionDetails" }, "_type": "V4/PaymentTransaction" } ], "serverDate": "2018-10-02T16:38:13+00:00", "_type": "V4/Payment" }, "ticket": null, "serverDate": "2018-10-02T16:38:13+00:00", "applicationProvider": "NPS", "metadata": null, "_type": "V4/WebService/Response" }
For more information, see Charge/CreatePayment.
Check the transaction status
To view the transaction status, you must analyze the value of the answer.orderStatus property:
STATUS | Description |
UNPAID | The transaction has not been paid. |
RUNNING | The transaction is expecting an event. |
PAID | The transaction has been paid. |
For more information on the structure of the response: Charge/CreatePayment.
You can use our interactive playground to discover all our Web Services.
For more information on handling statuses, go to: Transaction lifecycle.