Step 4: Display the payment form
- Display all payment fields (card number, expiration date, CVV, etc.) on your website.
I. Initialize the payment form
In the HEAD
- Loadour JavaScript libraryin a tag called
- Implement the public key.
Set the public key in the parameter kr-public-key
<head> (...) <script type="text/javascript" src="" kr-public-key="73239078:testpublickey_Zr3fXIKKx0mLY9YNBQEan42ano2QsdrLuyb2W54QWmUJQ" (...) > </script> (...) </head>
As a reminder, it corresponds to the 3 rd key of the table.
3. Add other initialization parameters
- Add 2 initialization parameters , for example:
name | Description |
kr-post-url-success | URL to which the buyer's browser is redirected in case of a successful payment. ( recommended ) |
kr-language | Defines the language in which the form will be displayed. Accepts ISO 639-1 (en or en-US). If the parameter is not defined, the form uses the language of the browser. |
. Code sample:
<head> (...) <script type="text/javascript" src="" kr-public-key="73239078:testpublickey_Zr3fXIKKx0mLY9YNBQEan42ano2QsdrLuyb2W54QWmUJQ" kr-post-url-success="paid.php" kr-language="en-EN"> </script> (...) </head>
Référez-vous à ces 2 rubriques Paramètres généraux et Paramètres de personnalisation des "placeholders" pour les autres paramètres. Après la balise <script>
, choisissez un thème.
4. Choose a theme
Neon is the new default theme. Here are the links to load this theme.
<head> (...) <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script src=""> </script> (...) </head>
More info: themes.
5. Adding JS functions (optional)
In another
tag, you can integrate events or JS methods.For more details, Event presentation and Method presentation.
Example of code for the HEAD
without JS function
<head> <!-- STEP : 1 : load the JS librairy 2 : required public key 3 : the JS parameters url sucess and langage EN --> <script type="text/javascript" src="" kr-public-key="73239078:testpublickey_Zr3fXIKKx0mLY9YNBQEan42ano2QsdrLuyb2W54QWmUJQ" kr-post-url-success="paid.php" kr-language="en-EN"> </script> <!-- theme NEON should be loaded in the HEAD section --> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script src=""> </script> </head>
II. Define the display mode
Dans le BODY
, choisissez le mode d'affichage et valorisez le paramètre kr-form-token
avec le formToken
généré (Etape 3 : Créer un formToken).
Mode | Description |
list | Displays a list of available and compatible payment methods Default display. |
pop-in | Displays a payment button that opens a pop-in containing available and compatible payment methods. |
list with embedded card | Displays the embedded fields for card payment and the available and compatible payment methods. |
List mode (default) | Pop-in mode | List mode with embedded card |
<body> <div class="kr-smart-form" kr-form-token="[GENERATED FORMTOKEN]"></div> (...) </body> | <body> <div class="kr-smart-form" kr-popin kr-form-token="[GENERATED FORMTOKEN]"></div> (...) </body> | <body> <div class="kr-smart-form" kr-card-form-expanded kr-form-token="[GENERATED FORMTOKEN]"></div> (...) </body> |
More info: List mode | More info: Pop-in mode | More info: List mode with embedded card |
You also have the choice :
III. Advanced customization
This step is optional.
Example of customization :
- Hide card payment logos
- Changing the display order
- Personalization of payment buttons.
- Personalize the page layout
IV. Simplified example in PHP
In the sample
folder, the file for this step is smartForm.php.
For more details, Example file: smartForm.php