Customizing e-mails
To customize e-mails, select the E-mails tab.
E-mails of payment confirmation, subscription and others are sent to buyers and/or merchants to keep them informed about the consequences of an action. These e-mails can be customized to make them look more in line with the appearance of your shop.
The customization will apply to:
- Every enabled e-mail available via the notification center:
- Confirmation e-mail of payment sent to the buyer
- Payment confirmation e-mail sent to the merchant
- ...
The list of available e-mails is subject to the options enabled in your shop.
- To every end device:
- desktop computer
- laptop
- tablet
- Cell phone or smart phone
- To all available display languages
- The selected model
A default model is suggested.
However, it is possible to:- create a new template
- copy the currently selected template
- delete a templateNote:You can define the desired template inside your payment requests by adding the following line of code to your payment form.
For more information, see the Hosted Payment Page Implementation Guide.
The Preview options view allows to display all the e-mail preview options with their context.
Figure 1. Preview options